Hi, there is a very informative essay published a month ago on Motherboard by 
Whitney Phillips, Jessica Beyer and 
Gabriella Coleman with the rather long title Trolling Scholars debunk the Idea 
that Alt.right’s Shitposters have Magic Powers.

These three ethnographic researchers have been squatting on the message boards 
and gathering data for years
which (along with their substative arguments) means their views on these 
subjects should be taken seriously.

Despite the suggestion in the title of “debunking” Alt.right’s power they are 
persuasive job suggesting that although not decisive 
the contribution to the Trump victory neither was their influence entirely 
negligible as -alt.right’s shitposting, flooding social media with 
memes and commentary designed to bolster their God Emperor Trump, raised public 
visibility of alt.right and this uptick in public visibility 
forced people to focus on Trump more than they would have done otherwise 
reaching critical mass when Clinton held a press 
conference (precipiated by Pepe the Frog) denouncing Trump’s ties to White 
nationalists much to the delight of the white nationalists. 

So -they go on -without a doubt, this speech and all the alt-right activity 
that preceded it contributed to the overal momentum of Trump’s 
campaign-  So as Felix suggested it was not THE decisive factor neither should 
its influence be underestimated. The prominent role played 
by alt.right Trolls has to be connected to the wider media ecology of the 
mainstream journalistic coverage that amplified their coverage. 

The most significant media related story to extract all of this is best 
outlined in Yochai Benkler, Robert Faris, Hal Roberts and Ethan Zukerman’s   
in Columbia Journalism Review arguing that a variety of far right media were 
extremely successful in setting the narrative agenda for mainstream 
media outlets. In all of this the alt.right meme warriors are -just one nasty 
cloud in a gathering storm racing towards mainstream media- and fataly 
undermining their Limpanesque capacity to manufacture consent.  

The question B) More interesting is the second question: Is there something 
inherently alt-right in Anonymous?  Is also tackled in some depth by
Coleman et al but conclude that the relationshp between alt-right “trolling” to 
4Chan and Anonymous as no more or less than a subset of a faction 
of an ever-evolving, ever unstable, ever reactive anonyous online collective…

Only one thing is clear to me in the fog of meme wars and ever more dubious 
narratives around post-truth and alt.fact, is that the frequently despised 
discipline of -media literacy- needs to be urgently recuperated and updated.


d a v i d  g a r c i a

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