It is encouraging to see Wendy Brown’s name appearing in this discussion and so 
I will add a bit more of her insightfulness:
 "the institutions as well as the political culture comprising liberal 
democracy are passing into history, the left is faced both with the project of 
mourning what it never wholly loved and with the task of dramatically resetting 
its critique and vision in terms of the historical supersession of liberal 
democracy, and not only of failed socialist experiments.” She stated this over 
10 years ago; pre-fiscal crisis, pre-Trump and Brexit.

So, resetting ‘critique and vision’ are definitely called for. Unfortunately, 
it is misleading (or inadequate) to view the current malaise simply through the 
lens of national politics; the crisis we are in the midst of is truly global 
with dimensions that are difficult to imagine or even adequately articulate. In 
this context, the mud slinging in regards to Russia’s meddling in US and UK 
politics is but a sideshow to the recurrent - East/West - political 
interventions that erupted during the Cold War and continued unabated with the 
demise of the Soviet bloc. We hardly returned to an age of innocence and 
political cleanliness with the fall of the Berlin Wall. (See the late Tony 
Judt’s historical analysis for the machinations taking place during the post-WW 
II period). To reset ‘critique and vision’ it would help enormously to view 
issues both on an international scale and locally. To think of politics, and 
indeed citizenship, as multidimensiona, multicultural and transcending borders 
which are fluid when it comes to capital but rigid when it comes to people.

Fernand Braudel’s description of the ruthlessness that characterised late-stage 
capitalism is close to the mark when considering the world we now live in 
wherein the mask of a fraudulent sense of ‘morality’ promoted by political 
elites is each day shredded into smaller and smaller pieces. To paraphrase 
Braudel, we are living in barbaric times in which there are no rules; 
oligarchs, plutocrats and deep-state manipulators are continuously shuffling 
the deck to gain advantage, to liquidate adversaries. In this sense Trump and 
Brexit represent a form of desperation in which the elite of the 1% have 
jettisoned the norms of liberal democracy in order to encase themselves in a 
nostalgia for a bygone era - riddled with corruption, injustice and enumerable 
inequities - that we have struggled to overcome and eradicate.


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