No mention of the software license... :P

Em 8 de nov de 2017 5:26 AM, "Geert Lovink" <> escreveu:

> Dear nettimers,
> I'm contacting you all to say that Unnon, the network of unknowns, is
> becoming a reality. Unnon is now available in its first version, for
> iPhone users, at Apples's App Store. Android and Web versions should come
> in January or February.
> A few days ago, we were the subject of a story by Folha de S.Paulo, the
> biggest Brazilian newspaper, which meant Unnon became officially launched
> in Beta. The response so far has been very good, with many people praising
> Unnon for finally creating an environment with no filter bubbles.
> We've achieved that by developing the first ever social network with
> temporary connections. That means that not only does Unnon connect people,
> but it also disconnects them. That is why Unnon is the network of unknowns:
> it connects people who do not know each other, for up to 30 days only, and
> after that they can never be reconnected. So filter bubbles are never
> formed, barriers between people are naturally broken, and users' networks
> change all the time. Also: there's no private messaging on Unnon, every
> conversation is public, which makes personal attacks, trolling and criminal
> activity much less likely; and all content disappears after one month, for
> Unnon is about what people think at a particular moment, not what they did
> in the past.
> This is our revamped website:
> And our page on the App Store:
> m/gb/app/unnon/id1219482455?mt=8
> The Folha de S.Paulo article, which is also attached in this email (in
> Portuguese):
> 1932361-brasileiros-criam-rede-social-que-promete-ser-a-prov
> a-de-bolhas.shtml
> Over the next few months I will showcase Unnon at universities, and have
> conversations and debates in Europe. I would love to take the concept of
> the network of unknowns to internet and tech-related communities and hope
> that Unnon will be capable of bringing a new perspective to the social
> media landscape, with less divisions, less extremism and more dialogue.
> If you want to contact us, drop me an email (
> Best wishes,
> Rogerio
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