Dear all,

social media criticism is clearly reaching a new stage. In the past months 
voices from deep inside the industry have made themselves heard, in particular 
in response to the fakenews/Russia media drama and the sneaky ‘behaviour 
science’ manipulations of social media users. None of these statements directly 
referred to the ‘classic’ critique of the past years, let’s say from the 
nettime circle, Unlike Us, to established voices such as Nicolas Carr, Andrew 
Keen and Shirley Turkle. It’s as if we always have to start all over again. 
Most academic research on social media seems to have virtually no impact on the 
current debate-at-large. Or am I wrong? Why do Silicon Valley geeks and 
investors have so much authority in this case? Insider-experts are not often 
seen as neutral observers. We all know this. These individuals kept their mouth 
shut for years and years, and are still deeply involved as investors, 
employees, consultants etc. Now that they worry the world should suddenly pay 

What should be the radical next steps? Finally the social media debate is 
heating up and becoming mainstream. What do we have on offer from the 
perspective of old-school community informatics (RIP Michael Gurstein), German 
(!) media theory, NL tactical media activism and or ISEA-type of digital arts? 
Was this a topic in Leipzig at 24C3? It seems pointless to say: “We told you 
so.” How can we scale up and democratize all the debates and proposals of the 
past 5-7 years of those that worked on alternative network architectures? Is 
the reasonable, noble and moral appeal a la Tim Berners-Lee the only one on 
offer? Going offline is one thing, (and in fact an option only elites can 
afford). Self-mastering a la Sloterdijk is a marginal reform effort from a 
hyper-individualistic perspective. I still believe in vital methods to mass 
delete Facebook accounts. This is in the end what Silicon Valley tries to 
prevent at all cost: resistance and exodus. How can such a momentum be 

Best, Geert

Antisocial media: why I decided to cut back on Facebook and Instagram

John Battelle on Lost Context: How Did We End Up Here? 

Doc Searl: The human solution to Facebook’s machine-produced problems also 
won’t work

Roger McHamee (early FB investor): How to Fix Facebook—Before It Fixes Us

Chris Taylor: Facebook just became the ultimate dystopia

Joshua Benton: If Facebook stops putting news in front of readers, will readers 
bother to go looking for it?

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