> On May 5, 2018, at 8:55 AM, Anni Roolf <anni.ro...@dezentrale.eu> wrote:
> Here's the call:
> Facebook has disrespected our personal data and disregarded the spirit of our 
> user agreements. To demonstrate our collective power as users, log out of 
> Facebook and Instagram May 25 – June 1. #facebreak2018 #newpower 
> bit.ly/facebreak2018
> Let's make this go viral.
> Best, Anni
> -- 
> Anni Roolf MBA
> Projektentwicklerin 
> Innovationsmanagerin 
> Community Strategist

When I woke up to this, I thought it was the saddest thing I had read in a long
time. Coffee and cigarettes later, I knew there is no time for sadness, no time 
to waste, and the proposition is actually quite funny. It's the inverse of the
"Turing Test Tarpit" (1) I suggested recently: After a few weeks of increased
virality, the Facebook Liberation Front *leaves* Facebook and Instagram - only 
to be glued to Twitter, most likely, to self-surveil their trending hashtags - 
and FB and IG suddenly become inhabitable for a week. I'm all for it. Even more 
so if that gives me seven consecutive days during which I don't have to read 
about the "disrespect" for personal data - you just posted your phone number to
a public mailing list! - or think about the "spirit" of user agreements. 

It still makes me sad, but one can find consolation in literature. Like in The 
Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It's the anthropocene, stupid! This species 
was doomed from the beginning, and one must cherish every short and unlikely 
blip of non-idiocy. Because thanks to Douglas Adams we know that the "humans", 
contrary to popular belief, are not the fittest: not the descendants of apes, 
but the offspring of social media sanitizers, innovation managers and
communication strategists.

P.S.: Obviously, I don't know you, and had we met in person, we might have
discovered many areas of alignment, or countless issues where it's me who is
braindead. I have nothing against you personally. I have something against the
proposition you're circulating, politically.

(1) https://nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-1804/msg00091.html

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