but Amazon and others are working with Ocado, Autostores, and many other similar companies, to eliminate ALL workers, and their first factories are just arriving now.



Le 25/05/2018 à 12:02, Patrice Riemens a écrit :
On 2018-05-25 11:47, nettime's avid reader wrote:

Amazon employees in Italy have made history. Workers are announcing
today the first-ever direct agreement between unions and the company
anywhere in the world. The Italian agreement tackles inhumane
scheduling, one of the core labour problems at Amazon fulfilment centres

Breaking down the totally insane labour conditions imposed by big players in the 'new'/'gig' economy will only be achieved under the twin pressure of resolute actions, including sabotage, by the workers themselves, and by 'institutional' pressures exercised by traditional, established trade unions, which should conduct energetic enrolment drives under such workers, but also 'represent' them even if they are not card carrying (and dues paying) members.

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