Their statement/demands:

Google Campus occupied! #FuckOffGoogle

Today we occupied the Umspannwerk in Kreuzberg to prevent the planned
Google Campus there, to fight against the skyrocketing rents and to open up
the space for something better.

The Google Campus is intended to be a magnet for annoying young
entrepreneurs whose IT-sweatshops (“start-ups”) promise to deliver new
ideas to Google’s company business. New tech companies are driving the
rents up in the area higher and higher. The endpoint of this process can be
seen in San Francisco, which once must have been a halfway livable city.

While it is especially aggravating that Google, despite its aggressive
collection of data, is morphing into Big Brother with a user-friendly face,
this is not the decisive factor for us. We would also put a spoke in the
wheel of any other company.

What happens now in the Umspannwerk instead depends on everyone who fills
the house with life. It could become a base for the many initiatives that
are currently struggling against rising rents and displacement – a campus
of subversion. But it can also be used as a covered grill area for the cold
months, or something more.

We call on all rebellious tenants, subversive and precarious cultural
workers, work-shy benefit scroungers, strike-hungry air traffic
controllers, long-living pensioners, unruly refugees, and all other local
pests from the neighborhood (and beyond) to join us in the occupation as
quickly as possible. A neighborhood assembly will take place at 6 p.m. to
discuss the occupation and how to proceed. Get involved!

Our demands:

We expect an announcement from the top management that Google immediately
and irrevocably withdraws from the Kreuzberg Umspannwerk.
The assembly will take place at 6 p.m. to discuss the next steps and the
sensible use of the premises.

If it comes to eviction, we’ll see each other again very soon, on the
Campus or elsewhere – as we wander around together and take the city for

-The Council of Occupiers

On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 9:51 AM "Nina Temporär" <> wrote:

> already expelled again
> *Gesendet:* Freitag, 07. September 2018 um 15:44 Uhr
> *Von:* "Ian Alan Paul" <>
> *An:* "a moderated mailing list for net criticism" <
> *Betreff:* <nettime> Google Campus Occupied
> The new Google campus being built in Kreuzberg, Berlin has been occupied
> by the neighborhood. You can follow along here:
> <>
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