Alexander's positions have been thoroughly critiqued from many quarters.
After building on those critiques, Ian has just enumerated his many
reactionary statements. I think it's definitive and I won't engage with him

Ari just sent in a video where a brilliant young woman, Ash Sarkar, talks
about the deliberate persecution of black radical socialists after the
1960s, and about the way that leftist social movements were weakened as a
result. She goes on to develop a class analysis which doesn't diss off
intersectionality (that's the main identity politics concept she discusses)
but instead, fills the gaps she sees in present-day politics on the left.
In the middle of it she invokes Angela Davis, a black Marxist feminist who
was not killed in the 1970s and went on, among other things, to help start
the movement against mass incarceration which has been one of the key
forces of change in American life during these last years. The only point
where I might disagree with her is that Angela Davis has certainly not been
forgotten in the US, though maybe in the UK, so in that case, let's
remember a little.

The difference is: talking about specific people and events in the present,
building constructive positions, and covering an amazing amount of ground
in short words.

Check it out if you missed it:

best, Brian
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