
Morlock, come back to us.

On Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 6:54 PM tbyfield <> wrote:

> Angela, all —
> Felix Stalder and I are the two people who've consistently moderated the
> list for the last twenty years. We don't speak for each other, but for
> my part the simple and straightforward answer to your question is no:
> nettime will not give fascists a platform from which to recruit. If I
> see something that clearly crosses any of those lines — there are a
> few bundled up in there — I'll stop it first and then we can all
> debate whether that was the right thing to do and how to proceed.
> In general, Felix and I have avoided laying down any clearly defined
> policies at all. While the list isn't what it used to be, the fact that
> it's lasted this long suggests that's been a prudent approach. Times are
> changing, but I haven't seen anything on the list that seemed to justify
> changing that. If you or anyone else see something that seems to cross a
> clear line, please say so — on the list or privately, whichever you
> prefer.
> I assume your question was promoted in part by Bard. Personally, I think
> he's a troll. As I said a few days ago, whenever I see his mail my first
> reaction is "When's the new book coming out?" — and not because I have
> the slightest interests in his wanking. Felix took a more oblique
> approach in the same thread ("Complexity and nostalgia," 3 Nov). That's
> generally how we've tried to moderate: openly on the list rather than
> behind the scenes, and by nudging discussions rather than cutting people
> off. We did briefly discuss intervening more directly but decided not to
> — yet. But as to your more general question, I'd rather just flip the
> bit and moderate Bard on the grounds that he behaves like an asshole
> than concoct a formal definition of assholism and then apply that rule
> to him retroactively. Nettime has lots of failings, but Bard-like
> behavior isn't one of them.
> One useful parallel in this context is Morlock Elloi, who stopped
> contributing when someone threw a tantrum about his contributions to the
> list. I think nettime is a much poorer place for his absence, but
> whatever you or anyone else may think of his contributions, note well:
> when someone objected, he stopped. Bard, by contrast, fuels negativity
> and feeds off it — and the list is a much poorer place for his
> presence.
> Cheers,
> Ted
> On 4 Nov 2018, at 1:12, Angela Mitropoulos wrote:
> > It is a simple and straightforward question that I would like
> > answered. It
> > makes no inferences about whether recruitment is effective, or even
> > deliberate rather than aesthetic. But I'm grateful for the evidence
> > you've
> > furnished, dear, about the way in which women are told to calm down
> > and
> > shut up, no matter the tone they take, so that those who think women
> > and
> > black people are less than human and not entitled to take up space can
> > keep
> > ranting on at length about how everyone other than white guys are less
> > than
> > human. I mean, I'm grateful that you've illustrated the reason why I
> > asked
> > this question in the first place. That said, I have no interest in
> > debating
> > this further.
> >
> > I simply repeat my question, and would like it answered. Preferably in
> > the
> > negative. But if in the affirmative, then I would like to suggest that
> > Nettime be shuttered because any benefit it had for creating a better
> > world
> > has long past. The world doesn't need a longform version of Gab, or
> > Gab for
> > that matter.
> >
> > Angela
> >
> > On Sun, 4 Nov 2018 at 10:29, Willem van Weelden
> > <>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> dear angela,
> >> relax dear.
> >> it is ok.
> >> noone is recruiting anyone here.
> >> chill.
> >> best,
> >> w
> >>
> >>
> >>> On 03 Nov 2018, at 23:04, Angela Mitropoulos <
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> What is Nettime's policy on whether or not it should give fascists a
> >> platform from which to recruit?
> >>>
> >>> Angela
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