Tim May has passed away.

The post below is from 20 years ago, in many ways deeply optimistic.

Subject: What we are Fighting
From: Tim May
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 20:04:48 -0700

For the Nth time, let me restate the obvious: all current crypto
restrictions being discussed involve _exports_. There are no domestic
restrctictions whatsoever on domestic use of crypto. Any of us, even
resident aliens, tourists, terrorists, etc. are perfectly free to use
PGP, one time pads, stego, and even Meganet Snake Oil Unbreakable

There are, officially, no proposals on the table to limit speech
within the U.S. by limiting the types and forms of language may use.
There is the SAFE bill, which stands zero chance of passing, but this
involves relaxing export requirements (though I expect compromises
added, such as the felonization of crypto use in a crime, are an
unwelcome step toward domestic restrictions).

But it bears constant repeating, especially to the skeptical, that
there are NO DOMESTIC CRYPTO LAWS. Unlike some other countries, the
fascists have not yet managed to get a foothold in the attempt to
limit use of crypto by the citizen-units.

We all know this, but Freeh and Company continue to mumble about
"meeting the legitmate needs of law enforcement." What can they be
speaking of?

And since the Fourth Amendment is an internal U.S. thing (not counting
limited applicability to some foreigners, and of course to U.S.
citizens abroad who encounter U.S. offices, etc.), what can Louis
possibly be referring to when he speaks of the Fourth Amendment?
Surely he is not referring to satisfying the Fourth Amendment concerns
for privacy amongst the Russians, Afghans, and so forth?

Obviously his side is contemplating domestic crypto restrictions.

We all know this, but it sometimes bears repeating what the
Constitution says, what the status quo is, and what they are

They are planning domestic crypto restrictions, GAK, and all the rest
of what we have long expected.

When that comes, anyone will be full jusfified in taking action by any
means necessary to halt the onset of the total state.

--Tim May
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