Hi Patrice,

You are a brave man, but also very unlucky at least in terms of timing.
This evening May was defeated when the ERG decided to pull the plug for the
second time. This means that her ploy of suggesting that the Tory
government is in control is rubbished. The EU negotiators have even less
reason to listen to her and running down the clock is no longer an option.
Parliament has a built in remain majority, if we rule out Tory and Labour
two-party control . There is a vote on February 27 which will almost
certainly rule out no deal and who knows what else is possible, even
another referendum? We can't know the future, so it pays to stick with the
facts which are by definition past, done with. This evening's fact was
entirely unknown to me in advance and probably to you too. Like you I am
fed up with it all, but I do have something concretely at stake. I could
face a big medical bill soon and my right to live with my family in Paris
and move around could be seriously impeded. My bet has always been that the
UK will stay in the EU. At least I can get long odds on that.



On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 10:16 PM Patrice Riemens <patr...@xs4all.nl> wrote:

> Aloha,
> I was a Brexit addict. Till the day before yesterday. I used to spell
> the Guardian online and go thru all the vagaries of that great soap. But
> no longer. I might merely scan the headline, and may be even not.
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