C L R James argued from the 70s that there are only two world revolutions
left -- the second Russian revolution and then the second American
revolution (missing out the civil war which instituted national
capitalism).  We thought the fall of the Berlin Wall was the first, but it
wasn't. It released the American Empire to supervise world capitalism.

Since 1914-18, there has only been one political question. Which form will
rule the world. By analogy, do you think the Roman empire would allow a
civil war in Italy? Americans are so parochial. It suits their ruers for
them to be so.

It is pointless to predict the forms of violence, but the prize is to rule
the world with minimal opposition. It is true that the cyberpunk writers
were right long ago. But timing is everything in life and where are they

Brian is right that only religion can mobilize the masses to sign up for a
vision of another world. The main event of the last century was the
anti-colonial revolution whereby peoples coerced into world society by
European empires sought their independent relationship to it. Laders  like
Gandhi, James and Fanon articulated a post-imperial vision that individuals
could fight for as their own. Religon binds something  intimately personal
to a vision of what is out there. I study them.


On Sun, Mar 3, 2019 at 1:10 PM Lorenzo Tripodi <lor...@oginoknauss.org>

> Patrice,
> this is an interesting perspective, but how do you expect NRA supported
> armed trumpians, trained fascists and various paramiltary goons training
> full day at shoot-all  video games, backed likely by the above quoted
> corporate rulers and with the enthusiastic external support of Russian
> hackers not to win a civil war?
> lorenzo
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