Property is just an opinion, programmed into certain number of human brains. It's soft, and can be modified or erased. There is no brain area dedicated for private property (witness human societies without it.) Using this ephemeral phenomenon to understand underlying dynamics is unproductive. Observers from Mars cannot detect property, as they cannot detect human gods. But they can detect lifecycles, illnesses, buildings, murders, poverty, luxury and such. The worse sleigh of hand done to communism was to divert focus to this single soft aspect (remotely similar to POTUS pussy grabbing idiocy.)

The basic similarity between USSR and EU is the willingness of large number of people, *not* based on religion, leaders, or tribal/national identity, to pitch in for the better common* future. Both events are unique in the history in this regard.

* note the word root

How is the EU seizing control of the means of production?  How is the EU
delegitimising the ownership of private property by private citizens?  When
last I checked, it was still possible to establish for-profit businesses in the
EU, and it was still possible for individual EU citizens to purchase goods from
Ka De We.  To say that the EU model incorporates elements of socialism is one
thing, to say that it is 'communism' is a bridge too far.
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