There are simpler ways of viewing this:

1. The 'complexity' is so complex that individual actors do not matter any more, and what is there is new emergent phenomenon so complex it's nearly impossible to understand; we need to spend our lives analyzing it while in semi-catatonic paralysis.

2. Complexity is sleigh of hand used to shield actors from responsibility. It's a new deity, akin to the traditional ones, in whose name atrocities were allowed to happen, as nothing else could be done without being blasphemous. It became a classical religion, removing responsibility from individuals, introducing Fate 2.0, and self-reinforcing as it prevents one from going into dangerous and correct direction of action, becoming self-preservation vehicle. If you think that today's highly liberal educated philosophiles are immune to such basic religious contamination, you're an idiot.

Which one is correct? Let's see what those that can do, I mean powers that be: when they don't like something, they target and kill, maim and imprison *individuals*. From heads of state to inconvenient loudmouths. Somehow they don't let the complexity overwhelm them into perpetual ruminations in their cabinets. And it works, perfectly: the power of dominant powers that be is more solid today than it ever was.

This should give you a hint to the correct answer.



   1. ...
   2. the action of chewing the cud.

Also see

* The chains of interactions have grown longer. Many (social and
ecological) systems used to be relatively local phenomena have become

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