Morlock Elloi has been a longtime presence on this list. Always provocative, he 
even used to be funny (I have on occasion expressed appreciation for these 
qualities). Apart from this, his prose is generally garbled and difficult to 
understand, demanding too much effort to unravel (for me, anyway). 

On the one hand, he presents himself as a sort of bulwark against corporate and 
state predation, an evil empire that is (according to him) working towards 
enslaving us all, denying us our individuality and personal sovereignty. In 
this regard, he rants on and on, to the point where valid critique is 
superseded by paranoia.

We are all, (according to him), the victims of an ongoing, universal conspiracy 
that deliberately sets out to destroy our freedom in furthering its oligarchic 

On the other hand, he banalises sexual violence, notably against women, 
considering such denial of individuality and personal sovereignty as being of 
little importance.

Indeed, he dismisses those concerned by such issues as being preoccupied by 
petty victimhood.

The contradiction between these two positions, defending one important freedom 
while denying the other, is paradoxical. Perhaps, as the name Morlock Elloi 
(spelt by H. G. Wells with one "l", by the way) indicates, he might have 
split-personality issues. 


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