Open Democracy launches down to earth campaign to expose leading Boris Johnson 
and Hunt.
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Jo van der Spek M2M
v. Ostadestraat 49
1072SN Amsterdam -------- Doorgestuurd bericht --------
Van: "Peter Geoghegan, openDemocracy"
Datum: donderdag, 13 juni 2019, 08:44p.m. +02:00
Onderwerp: Who’s *really* backing Boris?

>Most of us won’t have a say in who becomes PM, but at the very least we should 
>know who’s funding them.
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>Dear friend of openDemocracy,
>The race to replace Theresa May is on. 
>Soon we’ll know who’s moving into Number 10.  But will we know who’s 
>bankrolled them?
>openDemocracy has just revealed that the two frontrunners, Boris Johnson and 
>Jeremy Hunt, have  received £25,000 each from a prominent climate change 
>Boris is yet to disclose the donation.
>We also know that Lynton Crosby’s controversial PR firm is running a vastly 
>expensive pro-Boris campaign – but no one will say who’s picking up the bill.
>We’ve got tons of leads to chase down on this story, but not much time.  Will 
>you help us keep digging?
>Yes, I'll donate to openDemocracy
>openDemocracy exposed the tricks that made a mockery of the 2016 Brexit 
>referendum – including the  law-breaking by Vote Leave, fronted by Boris. 
>Now we want citizens to have the facts  before the next British prime minister 
>is chosen.
>Hunt and Johnson have received over £100,000 in donations – that we know of – 
>in recent weeks, with more set to pour in before the final ballot.
>Millionaire hedge-funders, CEOs, and lobbying firms are among those emptying 
>their pockets. 
>Most of us won’t have a say in who becomes PM, but at the very least  we 
>should know who’s funding them.
>With your support, we can:
>-  dig deep on who’s bankrolling all the candidates , so that citizens know 
>who the next PM is leaving the door of Number 10 open to
>-  uncover who’s funding the secretive, lavish pro-Boris lobbying operation, 
>run by Lynton Crosby’s controversial PR firm
>-  expose the backroom deals and horse-trading  going on behind closed doors
>Yes, I'll donate to openDemocracy
>  This isn’t just about Britain, or Boris.  It’s vital that any candidate 
>running for office is transparent about their funding.
>Whatever the outcome of the Tory leadership race, fixing the ongoing abuses of 
>our democracy will need committed, forensic investigation over many years.
>Our work gets results:  prompting law change, criminal investigations – and 
>our investigation into Brexit bankroller Aaron Banks just got nominated for 
>Private Eye’s prestigious Paul Foot journalism prize.
>With your regular support, we can strengthen our network of investigative 
>journalists –  tracing dark money flows and holding secretive political 
>backers to account, both now and for years to come.
>Please give what you can today and together we can uncover the truth about 
>who’s shaping our politics.
>Thank you,
>Peter Geoghegan ,
>Investigations Editor, openDemocracyUK
>Read more:  Revealed: Climate change denier makes big donations to Boris 
>Johnson and Jeremy Hunt
>Click  here  to change your subscription. Read our privacy notice  here .
>The Print House
>18 Ashwin Street
>London ,  E8 3DL
>United Kingdom
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