YOU are feeding Google a big time! More people follow your link, more Digital 
Folklore copies will automatically end up in Google cloud, without being seen, 
read and redistributed by its real audience. But maybe your good intentions 
will  find their way through and Google will choke! 

---- wrote ----

>Don't feed the Google, just say no to Chrome!
>Bypass Beaker here:
>On Monday, July 1, 2019 9:24:29 PM CEST, olia lialina wrote:
>> Dear Nettimers,
>> apropos E2E, P2P, networks and their limits, tactical media and 
>> their impact.
>> two weeks ago we released Digital Folklore Reader (2009) on dat://
>> go to dat:// if you are on Beaker already
>> or follow instructions at
>> I keep my laptop on and my Beaker browser open for you to get 
>> the book and distribute it further!
>> yours
>> Olia
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