Eheu Morlock

sadly you picked the wrong language: the UK premiere B Johnson has made a habit 
of adding latin tags to his outrageous posh-boy persona behind which hides a 
refusal to publish a budget, the official financial predictions for Brexit, the 
results of an enquiry into alleged financial impropriety and the results of a 
major enquiry into Russian interference and donations to his party. Obscurity, 
especially in latin, is not a gurantee of anything

perhaps ancient Greek . . .

Sean Cubitt

Goldsmiths, University of London

(U of Melbourne from Jan 2020)

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Sent: 10 November 2019 11:00
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Subject: nettime-l Digest, Vol 146, Issue 17

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Today's Topics:

   1. Latin as revolutionary act? (Morlock Elloi)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 09 Nov 2019 14:48:36 -0800
From: Morlock Elloi <>
Subject: <nettime> Latin as revolutionary act?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

What would be consequences of using Latin language among
group/clique/cabal/underground/elite for discourse, publishing, idea
exchange, tweets? (let's ignore for the moment how does one get the
above set to learn Latin)

First of all, the noise goes down, as there is intellectual effort
barrier involved. Feeble-minded, distracted, low IQ, vacuous, and other
nobodies are out. It would be like early Internet (1990s) - only nice
and interesting people, no rabble. Only more resilient, because the
'price' of learning tongue will never go down, unlike computer equipment
and access.

Second, the cross-pollution from deluge of mechanically augmented media
firehoses goes way down. Language is the medium, and, of course, the
medium is the message. It's much harder to influence those thinking in a
foreign tongue.

Third, the isolated hermetic nature of such setup would allow thinking
to mature, being spared from cretinous cheering and booing from the
unwashed crowd. At the same time, it can use modern networking
technology to attract interest globally.

Perdidi unum in mediis soccus lauandi, et iam sentire perfecta!


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