I had been thinking of a response to the Latin discussion .....

we already have a universal language, in fact three at least: mathematics, 
logic and code
the last, the most recent, already shows signs of the long hand of capital; the 
others as we know are bent by economists and politicians. There is no pure and 
universal language (on which subject Eco wrote an amusing little book)

What there is as cultural resource is the plurality of languages (including the 
current state of Englishes, shattering as latin did 1500 years ago into new 
languages - Naija, Patois, Ebonics, Hinglish . . .) AND crucially indigenous 
languages, languages smaller than (current) nation states, among which Quechua 
and Aymara.

The tragedy of Morales (as a narrative of betrayed hope, whoever and whatever 
is to blame) also teaches that even marginalised languages cannot in themselves 
guarantee anything; that linguistic determinism is as useful as technological 
determinism, which is as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike (a metaphor, 
intended to demonstrate that neither is language as such of no use: it enables 
rather than determines, but to evolve it has to reach to resources beyond 
itself - not necessarily in other languages, but in the world of motorbikes and 
ashtrays (two words I do not find in my latin dictionary)


Sean Cubitt

Goldsmiths, University of London
from 2 jan 2020: University of Melbourne

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