The current European divide brings Weber back to mind.
Calvinist/Lutheran Europe vs Catholic/Mediterranean Europe - Hansa
Europe vs Catholic League. For instance, Scholz is the shame of
European Social Democraycy. And he's from Hansa Hamburg. Calvinist
Rutte standing in for the Lutheran Kanzlerin as mini-Schaueble.
Catholic Spain and Italy (and Gallican France) pleading for Christian
solidarity. And Catholic Austria, like Lutheran Sweden and Finland
are joining the ranks of the covid punishers. Of course, we're
materialists. Please provide alternative explanations. As for the EU:
coronabond or death?

Sanders has gone the way of Corbyn. Not even outside the eurocore
(and its disillusion with parliamentary socialism), in the old
anglo-saxon brain of neoliberal globalization and glaring past
inegalitarian redistribution, is socialist reformism a winning
electoral proposition (and voting for universal medicare would have
saved thousands of lives). What about revolutionary socialism? Is the
necrophile treadmill of oligopolist capitalism leading precarious
workers and other kinds of crucial labor to rise in revolt to seize
what's left of the state in the covid era and snatch it away from
neoliberal and national-populist regimes? Socialist statism and other
dirigistic forms of capitalism have been more successful at dealing
with the pandemics. What does it portend for European and American
capitalist state forms? Cos UBI and MMT are buzzwords left and right

hairy easter to you all,


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