Rather than disappearing entirely down the rabbit hole of definitions and 
interpretations, uses and misuses of 
the term “cancel culture” 

I wanted to risk returning to Garry Hall’s earlier cautionary remarks about my 
uncritical use of "terms and concepts like ‘argument’, 
‘careful judgement’, ‘knowledge’, ‘democracy’, ‘public’ as datum points in this 
way is itself a form of affective politics that 
‘“precedes debate, precedes argument, precedes speech”’? In which he suggested 
that that it "Might too, be a ‘decisionism’, 
“an acting out or performance of some prior act of identification”’ 

Gary reminds us of Chantal Mouffe’s questioning of what it is to be political, 
when its "a political decision always 
takes place in an "undecidable terrain” in which as Gary argues "social 
relations are not fixed or natural, but rather the product 
of hegemonic articulations: that is, of contingent yet temporary decisions 
involving power and conflict.” 

The question I want to ask is, what happens to politics if it no longer 
involves deciding on more or less valid contributions to public
knowledge ? Thats not a request for a narrow positivist empiricism or a wish to 
return to established epistemic hierarchies. It means 
instead establishing (in the words of digital sociologist Noortje Marres) "a 
central role in public life for experimental facts: 
statements whose truth value is unstable”. 

I think this takes us to spaces that include but go beyond the power question 
alone and the endless recursive loop of asking: but whose in 
charge? And the insistence that first of all we must choose a “side”. Come on 
Us or Them ? Whether this should be default or primary 
register of our political discourse in the face of complex existential problems 
is the position I wanted to question. 


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