How to survive the American autumn?
How to de-nazify the USA?
How to set up new local, national and regional systems for the heavy weather that's coming - the heavy weather of the Anthropocene?

Dear Brian, thank you for rattling our cages with the rage and the terror that runs through every sentence of your tirade…

However nn a boring response to your final three questions is to get out the vote. Given that the most terrible short-term outcome is the re-election of the unspeakable Trump. All those who can walk, crawl ride or drive should fight to get out every last single Democrat vote out. No matter how disappointing and uninspiring the Biden/Harris ticket may be we know its not the worst that can happen to the American polity.

We know it won't be enough in and of itself "de-nazify the USA" but in terms of your first imperative which is to “survive the American Autumn”, it will at the very least buy a little time for progressive forces to re-group and find new ways to confront the deep reckoning that is upon us all.
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