MST leader João Pedro Stédile way back in 2008

Here is something more recent from João Pedro:

"China is also consolidating its power economically and politically. He said that this shift, which had already begun before the pandemic, will open up new possibilities to challenge unipolarity in international institutions.


"I also heard that the Chinese Communist Party is circulating a document where it questions the existing multilateral institutions, particularly the unipolarity due to the power of the US in these institutions, such as the United Nations, ILO and other organizations. The document proposes new formats for the functioning of international institutions that reflect the new correlation of forces that will emerge from this crisis, such as the economic power of China.

"China will emerge from this crisis with a lot of high morale not only because it preserved its economic primacy but also because it resolved the crisis rapidly, and with a relatively lesser death toll. Also, all the evaluations say that the GDP of China will increase 2-3%. This is not at the same level as before but it will grow nonetheless. And now everyone is desperate and knocking on China’s door for masks, equipment, and this is already a sign that the new hegemonic power in the global economy is China. And this will evidently have consequences for the international organizations, which are the results of the post-World War II order. The international sphere will see great changes after this crisis and in the beginning of next year.

Dmytri Kleiner
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