We are now welcoming applications for two fellowships at the new Open
Society University Network Center for Human RIghts and the Arts, based
at Bard College in New York.

We are searching for two one-year research and teaching fellows. The
positions are open to individuals working in a variety of fields where
human rights and the arts intersect, including artists, curators,
researchers, scholars, writers, filmmakers, advocates and activists.
The Center will award one Fellowship to a practitioner (artistic or
activist/advocate), and one to a researcher or scholar.  We recognize
that these categories are often blurry and encourage applications from
those who cannot in advance specify to which group they belong.

The fellowships cover a period of one year, i.e. two academic
semesters, from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022, and are supported
by a full-time salary and health benefits. The positions are based at
Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY.  All materials must be received
by Friday, February 26, 2021.

More details are available at:



- Tom Keenan
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