On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 10:52 AM mp <m...@aktivix.org> wrote:

> FBI had an agent provocateur embedded, leading the line. Sounds familiar.
> The state has long done exactly that (although Tarrio was not "leading the
line", he had been arrested the day before and limited himself to a few
encouraging tweets from afar on the day of the riot - NOT pushing people to

It's certain that the damage done by FBI provocateurs is considerable.
Above all it damages people's capacity to seek out the truth and recognize
it when they find it. People then become cynical, and they are unable to
contribute anything except their skepticism. The capitalist system provides
them plenty of leisure to express that skepticism, and they do. Listen to
the QAnon people, they are very expressive concerning their doubts. But not
the greatest company to keep.

I think sitting back and being cynical when a country is in danger of being
taken over by fascists is a mistake. This is going to happen to many
countries. At some point, when the leisure collapses, you actually have to
take a side - compromising as that may be.

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