
In the heart of Europe 26 years ago, more than 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men
and boys were deliberately killed. These killings are a genocide, as
recognised by the International Criminal Tribunal for ex-Yugoslavia in
2004 and the International Court of Justice in 2006.

However, in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the region there still is a
tendency of denial of the Srebrenica genocide. Our duty is to remember
Srebrenica and the victims, to honor the memory of those laid to rest
and all those still missing, and to learn from what happened and do
everything possible to prevent it from happening ever again.

This weekend, 11/07/ 2021, 19 more victims are laid to rest at the
cemetery at the Srebrenica Memorial Centre.

After this year's funeral, the number of burials in the cemetery will
rise to 6,671.

Azmir Osmanovic, only 16 when he was killed, will be the youngest victim
to be buried this year. Husein Kurbasic, the oldest, was 63.

More than 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys were killed after Bosnian
Serb forces attacked the UN "safe area" of Srebrenica in July 1995,
despite the presence of Dutch troops tasked with acting as international

The UN Security Council had declared Srebrenica a "safe area" in the
spring of 1993. However, Serb troops led by Gen. Ratko Mladic - who was
sentenced to life for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide -
overran the UN zone.

The Dutch troops failed to act as Serb forces occupied the area, killing about 2,000 men and boys on July 11 alone. Some 15,000 Srebrenica people
fled into the surrounding mountains but Serb troops hunted down and
killed 6,000 of them in the forests.

The bodies of the victims of the genocide were found in 570 different
parts of the country.

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