There are certainly important questions to be asked about the ways in which the 
science is being framed and sometimes manipulated at a time when ‘knowledge’ is 
increasingly being seen as central in what we take democratic politics to be. 
Boris Johnson’s original attachment to the ‘herd immunity’ (famously declaring 
let the bodies pile high) was being justified at the time as “guided by the 


Richard Horton, the editor of the respected medical journal the Lancet, worried 
that “the relationship between the scientific advisers and politicians in the 
early phase of the epidemic was strangely collusive”. And James Wilsdon, 
(professor of research policy at Sheffield University) has been arguing for 
some time that “The entire science advisory system feels as if it has been 
fundamentally – perhaps fatally – compromised by the pandemic.”


I don’t know how the data was communicated in the Netherlands but I certainly 
shared Wilsdon’s discomfort that from the very first moment I saw those press 
conferences “with Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance, the 
Government Chief Scientific Advisor, flanking the Prime Minister” [like a pair 
of praetorian guards] “which rang all sorts of alarm bells, in terms of lines 
of accountability and the blurring of the distinction between advice and 


These questions will only increase in importance as we move into a new 
political phase where the science behind of net zero target will become the new 
frontline of politics..  


David Garcia




From: <> on behalf of "Hoofd, I.M. (Ingrid)" 
Date: Thursday, 20 January 2022 at 12:07
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: <nettime> CfP: Critical reflections on pandemic politics: 
left-wing, feminist and anti-racist critiques


Your knee-jerk response is an excellent example of elitist and 
false-oppositional ‘left’ thinking that has completely fallen for the 
government and big-pharma propaganda, and forgets to think critically about 
power structures, knowing very well that right-wing and left-wing, while also 
entertaining huge differences, are not pure opposites. Baudet would be proud of 
you; he can rake in the spoils.


Cheers, Ingrid.



From: Florian Cramer <> 
Sent: Thursday, 20 January 2022 13:00
To: Hoofd, I.M. (Ingrid) <>
Subject: Re: <nettime> CfP: Critical reflections on pandemic politics: 
left-wing, feminist and anti-racist critiques


- Government propaganda and censorship around lockdown and vaccination


- The role of mass and social media in anti- or pro-lockdown or vaccine 
propaganda, political polarization and forms of media virality (eg. via 
covid-19 memes)


- Mandatory vaccine rollouts as assaults to the feminist appeal to bodily 


- Ethical considerations regarding mass experimentation, moral shaming and 
lateral citizen surveillance


- Teleological and theological narratives of science as salvation (eg. via 


All beautiful examples of a "Querfront" discourse where extreme right positions 
are packaged  in left-wing rhetoric. Not a single point, however, on minorities 
and vulnerable people and communities endangered by anti-vaccer egoism, and 
neo-Darwinist politics - for example in the UK, Sweden and the Netherlands, of 
"herd immunity" through survival of the fittest.


You should invite Dutch experts Willem Engel and Thierry Baudet as keynote 




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