Thank you!!

> On 14 Mar 2022, at 18:29, Donatella Della Ratta <> wrote:
> sorry thought was clear from the poster!
> it's on Zoom
> cheers
> Donatella Della Ratta
> twitter @donatelladr
> Il giorno lun 14 mar 2022 alle ore 19:27 Andre Rangel < 
> <>> ha scritto:
> Hello Donatella,
> Wild this event be online or presential?
> Best,
> André
>> On 14 Mar 2022, at 18:22, Donatella Della Ratta < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi nettimers
>> we are hosting a great panel on algorithmic solidarity for our next Digital 
>> Delights and Disturbances talk on 16 March 6.30pm Rome time 
>> info and RSVP below 
>> Pls join us!
>> best, donatella 
>> <image004.png>
>> Hello
>>  You are invited to the next Digital Delights and Disturbances event 
>> presented by the Communications Department. “The Emergence of Algorithmic 
>> Solidarity” will take place on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, at 6:30 PM CET. 
>> Registration will close an hour before the event. Pls email 
>> <> 
>> Algorithms increasingly shape our lives across a variety of social domains, 
>> including politics, culture, financial systems, and labour. In this talk, 
>> based on a forthcoming book with MIT Press, the authors zoom in on how 
>> algorithmic systems govern the work of gig workers - and particularly riders 
>> - in different countries around the world. The lecture shows how riders are 
>> able to adapt, resist and react to these systems and develop new forms of 
>> resistance through algorithms, as well as solidarity around algorithms.
>> Panelists include Tiziano Bonini, University of Siena and Emiliano Treré, 
>> Cardiff University.
>> Best,
>> John Cabot University <>
>> Piazza Giuseppe Gioachino Belli, 11
>> 00153 Rome, Italy
>> c.f. 01476880586
>> Email: <>  
>> John Cabot University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on 
>> Higher Education ( 
>> <>).
>> <image003.png>
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