Dear arts and praxis friends,

Speaking of planetary crises ...

We try to imagine if the technodystopianly fucked-up future can be
rewritten by artivism ( and other applications and embodiments and
praxagora )

The XLterrestrials group are preparing our 95th ! episode of CiTiZEN
KiNO for one of our favorite socially+politically engaged events of the
year. Chaos Congress ( #37c3 ) is this year becoming increasingly
decentralized, and being hosted simultaneously in multiple cities +
locations from Dec. 27-31.

We will present 2mrw ( DEC 29 / 22:30 CET ) in Potsdam at a cultural
center called Freiland:

CiTiZEN KiNO #95: Organisms vs. Automatons ( revisited ) for #37C3

About : In brief. this is to analyze the situations and our current
times and inspire ways in which we might save all our futures from the
techno-colonialist + hyper-industrialist trajectories that are wrecking
our only inhabitable planet at a terrifying pace... and should be
mentioned, is creating incredibly dangerous + low-grade + utterly
stoopid environments for all living organisms. In order to survive and
thrive, to evolve and collaborate, we might need to put the urgent
matter under the macroscope, and come back down to the critical
terrestrial zones.

This clip from the BBC's 2mrw world series kind of makes a good trailer
/ sneak preview for what the XLt will attempt to lure into the screened
light for the tech sector workers, and whoever else, to consider and
hack anew:

"1966: ( UK ) Children imagine life in the year 2000 | Tomorrow’s World
| Past Predictions"

Comments welcomed ! We can possibly feed it into 2mrw's IRL C-Kino
social gathering + discussions + debate + brainstorming.


*LiveStream* of our event is possible, but cannot be confirmed at this

More Info + Updates Here:
Full " Reconnect to Chaos " program:

Other 37c3 events in Btropolis:

Hackers in Parallel:


happy holidays or unholidays !

whichever one ya got... or both !

and "guten rutsch" into the new year !



arts + praxis activities at CiTiZEN KiNO and Globalista Radio Kit and
the XLterrestrials group

on mastodon:

@podrescu ( for who knows how much longer )

and on Tgram too, w/ an XLT News Channel ( ask us )


0------------o arts + praxis activities at CiTiZEN KiNO and Globalista
Radio Kit and the XLterrestrials group. on mastodon: @podrescu ( for who knows how much longer ) and on
Tgram too, w/ an XLT News Channel ( ask us ) 0------------o
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