Green transition?

On 15/02/2023 15:06, Felix Stalder wrote:
They are, as you say, the end of the neoliberal global order manifested
by the breaking apart of Chimerica, and the accelerating decarbonization
of the energy supply (which is happening, even if too late to avoid
massive damage).

Not sure if you are serious here?

Having been on the fringes of political ecology and similar networks looking at "green transition" and "the energy transition" for some time, I can only see this thing you say is happening "too late" as (dis)concerted efforts to justify burning the last oil with impunity, while setting up the final extraction movements: deep-sea beds and outer space for mining of the minerals required to keep on living wastefully.

The Avatar sequel is a great study in that and it's making Elon Musk richer and will be the total downfall of the critical zone, i.e. life as we know it. Hopefully the energy transition will not complete.

In a broader (philosophical?) sense, green/energy transition is a spectacular rewriting of the progress myth, pushing humanity deeper into the technosphere, and yet another human delusion about a perpetual motion machine that will somehow reconcile, on the one hand, human desire for technologically afforded comfort with, on the other, living on a finite planet and with the need to be embedded in a complex web of life.

Surely not even the chat robot believes in this? It's the Matrix next, in that case.

As for the rest, it is in the eyes of the beholder.

This thread has brought all the mansplainers out in full force, including myself, but it is all just brain candy and wank, insofar as attempting to talk truth: might is right. (And the chat root has the best syntax and grammar anyway).

Brian wrote:

"....Today, under the pressure of climate change, broader fronts are emerging, which include not only peasant and indigenous struggles, but also metropolitan minorities and, crucially I think, elements of the middle classes who see the looming dead-end of industrial modernism - something that has not been very perceptible to the old working classes. These emergent alliances from below are threatened, not only by the police, but even more, by the paralyzing power of psychic distress that Hans Christian Voigt described so well in his first post. Naivete, and the hope that it will all be fine once the war is over, just don't cut it. Intellectuals need to furnish a realistic, updated analysis of the forces that lead to war - and that profit from war - under the present conditions of global competition and interdependence...".

Endtime prophecies and doom philosophies are of course applicable when attempting to analyse and control the world from the top down, or from the bottom up, for that matter.

In my view we live in the meantimes, cf. Bayo Akomolafe.

Always. Things come and go, civilizations come and go. As one falls the next is already in the making. One can throw oneself in there where one thinks it will matter in the next world, in the next meantime.

If the Condor and the Eagle will fly together one day, it will be above an animist culture. There is still hope. It is all there ever was.


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