Jeffrey Walton <> writes:

> I'm trying to build Nettle 3.4.1 on Fedora 29, x64 (fully patched).
> Self tests are failing at:
>     PASS: rsa-sec-decrypt
>     sec_powm.c:293: GNU MP assertion failed: enb >= windowsize
>     ../run-tests: line 57: 22997 Aborted (core dumped) "$1" $testflags
>     FAIL: rsa-compute-root
>     PASS: dsa
>     PASS: dsa-keygen

This is an ASSERT_ALWAYS in gmp's mpn/generic/sec_powm.c, checking the
return value from the win_size function. To debug, it would be helpful
to know

1. The value of enb and windowsize at the crash.

2. The definition of POWM_SEC_TABLE (defined in the platform specific
   gmp-mparam.h), and used by the win_size function in this file.

To me, it looks like the assert validates that POWM_SEC_TABLE confoems
to expectations.

It might also be a bug in the book-keeping of scratch space, leading to
some memory overwrite. Try running the test program under valgrind
and/or asan?


Niels Möller. PGP-encrypted email is preferred. Keyid 368C6677.
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