"Niels Möller" <ni...@lysator.liu.se> writes:

> Hi,
> A few weeks ago, I stumbled on
> https://hdevalence.ca/blog/2020-10-04-its-25519am. Summary: The
> specification for Ed25519 signatures, RFC 8032, doesn't specify
> unambiguously which bit strings are valid signatures, and which aren't.
> And implementations differ on the details.
> This could matter in particular if you have a system that depends on
> consensus, one could then feed the system a signed data item, where
> different components of the system disagree on whether or not the
> signature is valid.
> It's not clear to me what's the desired behavior for Nettle's
> ed25519_sha512_verify function, advice appreciated. A first step would
> be to add tests with the different kinds of corner-case inputs that may
> or may not be recognized as valid signatures, and at least document how
> they are handled.

This is a bit of a mess, unfortunately, and one solution may be to
implement a non-solution approach: instead of changing the sign or
verify operations, a new operation that can test the signature for
conformance to each of the useful behaviours could be added.  Then
applications can chose which behaviour they want.  The risk, of course,
is that applications will get this wrong or forgot to add this
additional check.

Another solution may be to introduce 'Ed25519consensus' as a new
algorithm that behave in the ZIP215-reliable way.


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