On Mon, 2005-01-31 at 10:37 -0500, Bill Moss wrote:
> I booted to wireless OK. Only saw the scaning icons in NM Applet and 
> then wireless icon.
> I pluged in a wire, saw the detecting icons, and then the wired icon.
> I unplugged the wire and did not see any scanning or detecting icons. 
> After about 8 seconds the wired icon changed into a wireless icon.

Confirmed, I got this this morning as well before work.  I'll have a
look.  NM sends a "DeviceStatusChanged" signal out on the system bus
when it starts scanning, and when its done scanning and starts to
connect, and somehow either its not getting sent out, the applet isn't
receiving it, or the applet isn't able to query NM for the actual device
status after receiving that signal.


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