some observations re scanning: if i modify scan_interval in
src/NetworkManagerDevice.c, i can see that even when Pause Wireless
Scanning is disabled, some sort of scanning by NM still happens.
watching iwconfig, i see the AP changing to FF:...:FF, the frequency
changes, and the rate switches between 11Mb/s and 1Mb/s (but nothing in
between!!??). also, when ethernet is plugged in, something similar
happens (now the ESSID changes from "" to "XXX")... - which doesn't
happen when eth is not plugged in. also, in
src/NetworkManagerDevicePrivate.h, i have to change "guint8
scan_interval; /* seconds */" if i want a longer scanning interval. 


On Tue, 2005-02-08 at 13:03 -0500, Dan Williams wrote:
>On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, Sven wrote:
>> thanks for implementing optional scanning. the card still periodically
>> disassociates and cycles through the channels though. now it (initially)
>> happens every 10s or so, and watching iwconfig ath0 shows that it cycles
>> through the channels only once, with wireless scanning enabled it seems
>> to cycle through 2 times  (as before in previous NM).
>I saw this too with my Atmel card, it may be due to setting the ESSID or some 
>other configuration parameter on the card, I'm 100% certain that no actual 
>scanning is going on.  I'll have to track that down.  Its quite annoying :)

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