On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 17:56:31 -0500, Colin Walters wrote:

>> >  There's so
>> > many complicated issues in it, and it'll be a rarely-tested code path.
>> > Right now it's a bug that the Fedora D-BUS and NetworkManager RPM
>> > scripts restart after a package upgrade.
>> > 
>> > You should just have to reboot, IMO.
>> I hope this is a joke.
>> If not, then this sounds a lot like MS Windows.
> Not everything Windows does is bad.

I totally agree here, but let's see the good things, not the reboots that
is so famous for. I don't want to end up restarting my linux because I've
changed my IP address. (I'm exaggerating here, but I'm scared that people
might get used to rebooting linux instead of understanding/fixing the real
problem, and win95 actually had this "feature")

>> And nowadays, to reboot a FC4 takes ages (far more than MS windows), so
>> let's try to decrease the number of reboots.
> Totally agreed!  So let's spend time fixing that bug.  People are already
> working on it.
>> It is enough that we need to reboot after a kernel upgrade, please don't
>> make us reboot after upgrading any other package x,y,z.
> No one is suggesting you be forced to reboot after upgrading immediately. 
> But in order to get the upgrade functionality, yes, you will have to
> reboot.  The way Windows XP security updates work is actually really nice;
> if you're not using the computer it just reboots it for you, otherwise it
> gives you a notification that you should reboot at some point soon.

Some people really hate this behavior.

> Hopefully we'll get notifications landed for GNOME 2.12 and we'll be able
> to do something similar.

This technology will make it's way in RHEL some day, so I am afraid that
these reboots will be propagated in the server area.
What happened to uptime of years I used to have in the past ?
I don't want to make pointless critics, but while evolving, we should
retain linux strengths, uptime being one of them.


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