On Tue, 2005-06-21 at 09:07 -0400, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Bastien Nocera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > As Robert said, ellipsis are not for "stetic" values. The three dots
> > mean that another dialog is going to be opened. See your favourite app's
> > "Save" (which doesn't open a dialogue) vs. "Save As..." (which does open
> > one).
> Okay, I've got to ask...  What the heck is "stetic"?  Is it a typo of
> "static"?  Or is it a complete misunderstanding of the English word
> "aesthetic"?  I cannot find the word "stetic" in any English
> Dictionary I've tried.
> Or, perhaps, is it a typo on the German version (dropping the "Ae"
> character)?

Read the start of the thread, it's explained there.

Bastien Nocera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
If men don't wear skirts after this movie, we have failed. -- Brad Pitt
(on Troy)

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