I am a bit confused, on my system Network-Manager never automatically
connects to a network unless I connect to it first.  So if there is an
open wireless network that you don't want to connect to it should
never connect to it unless you connected at least once.  To stop this
delete the network under ~/.gconf/system/networking/wireless/networks.

I know that deleting it there is not the most user friendly solution
to deleting profiles but it does work...   There should be an easier
way to handle profiles but I think that is coming.

So Network Manager will always attempt to connect to a network you
have already connected to, this causes a couple of problems:
1) Priority, how do you prioritize which SSID to connect to.  Though
this is a pretty minor problem for the majority of users.
2) How do you set certain AP's as only connect when explicitly told to.

The workaround is to delete the network and if you ever have to use
that network again make sure you delete it when you are done with it
so it does not auto reconnect later.

**Disclaimer: What I have written above is the behavior I see and
could be completely incorrect!  ;)

On 6/6/06, Russell Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How hard would it be to right click on a network and have it show a menu
"Always connect to this network" / "Never connect to this network"?  I'm
pretty sure someone has suggested this or something like it before.  The
arguments against it get weaker every time someone new asks.  Its clearly a
needed feature the real question is what is the most intuitive way to
implement it.

On 6/5/06, Aaron New <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> NetworkManagerInfo keeps swritching to a wireless router that I do not
want to be using.  When I specify the preferable router, NMI will swirtch
briefly, but will immediately revert back to the original router.   I would
appreciate any tips on how to prevent NMI from doing this.  If I am
overlooking a simple solution, I apologize in advance for asking a boring
newbie question.
> Cheers,
> Aaron
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