On Thu, 2013-05-30 at 14:40 +0200, Aleksander Morgado wrote:
> Hey,
> We are reviewing the DBus interfaces in ModemManager before making a 0.8
> release, and we've come up with several changes to the Modem interface
> (see list below). Some of the changes are pretty useful, like being able
> to know which are the allowed+preferred mode combinations supported by
> the modem before actually trying to change them; or being able to switch
> capabilities when supported.
> The changes are available in the "aleksander/api-breaks" branch in git
> master, please review/test them if you're already using the new
> ModemManager. The plan is to get the branch merged to git master soon.
> Cheers!
> =======================================================================
> Changes to the 'Modem' interface
> =======================================================================
> * MMBearerIpFamily is now flags instead of an enumeration.
> * A new 'SupportedIpFamilies' property is given (signature "u"), showing
> which are the IP types that we can use when requesting a connection. The
> given value is a mask of MMBearerIpFamily flags.

Looks like the changes for QMI to support IPV4V6 didn't quite make it
into the api-changes branch?

        /* Assume IPv4 + IPv6 supported */
        g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpointer (


>  * Renamed 'Bands' property to 'CurrentBands'.
>  * Renamed 'SetBands()' method to 'SetCurrentBands()'.
>  * Updated the 'SupportedModes' property to give a list of
> allowed+preferred combinations, instead of just a mask with all allowed
> ones. Signature changed from "u" to "a(uu)", where each item in the
> array is a pair of MMModemMode values (first one mask of allowed modes,
> second one a preferred mode). Modems supporting the change of
> allowed+preferred modes will expose the combinations they actually
> support. E.g.:
>     $> sudo mmcli -m 0
>       -------------------------
>       Modes    |      supported: 'allowed: 2g; preferred: none
>                |                  allowed: 3g; preferred: none
>                |                  allowed: 2g, 3g; preferred: none
>                |                  allowed: 2g, 3g; preferred: 2g
>                |                  allowed: 2g, 3g; preferred: 3g
>  * Merged the 'AllowedModes' and 'PreferredMode' into a single
> 'CurrentModes' property, with signature "(uu)". The pair of integers has
> the same logic as in 'SupportedModes', first one is mask of allowed
> modes and second one is a preferred mode.
>  * Renamed 'SetAllowedModes()' method to 'SetCurrentModes()', and
> updated the argument list to have only one item with signature "(uu)"
> (allowed mask + preferred). The allowed+preferred combination given must
> be one of those listed in 'SupportedModes', otherwise the operation will
> fail.
>  * Renamed 'ModemCapabilities' property to 'SupportedCapabilities', and
> also updated the signature from "u" to "au", where each item in the
> array is a MMModemCapability mask. Modems supporting the change of
> capabilities will expose the combinations they actually support. E.g.:
>     $> sudo mmcli -m 0
>       -------------------------
>       Hardware |   supported: 'gsm-umts
>                |               cdma-evdo
>                |               gsm-umts, cdma-evdo'
>                |     current: 'gsm-umts'
>  * New 'SetCurrentCapabilities()' method, which accepts a "u" specifying
> the capability combinations wanted (of those listed in
> 'SupportedCapabilities'). Changing capabilities with this method will
> force a device power-cycle (modem will disappear and probed again). This
> method allows to e.g. switch the UML290 from CDMA/EVDO mode to GSM/UMTS
> mode, as done with the 'uml290mode' program.

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