On Fri, 2013-05-31 at 21:56 +0200, W. Martin Borgert wrote:
> On 2013-05-31 13:53, Dan Williams wrote:
> > When you say "again and again", what do you mean?  ModemManager sends a
> > sequence of AT commands like AT+GCAP, ATI, etc, then moves on to binary
> > QCDM commands, and if all of these fail, it will stop and leave the
> > device alone.  That can take 10 or so seconds though.
> If I'm not mistaken, the whole process loops, i.e. the AT commands are
> send to device in an interval (of maybe 10s). I can't check right now,
> because I'm not in the office anymore, but I'm pretty sure.
> Is there maybe a condition under which MM would continue this way?

Perhaps MM is crashing and then respawning, then restarting the probing
process?  There was a bug like that which was fixed in git in late 2012,
perhaps your distro didn't pick up that specific fix?  In any case, I
just tagged and uploaded MM 0.6.2 which shouldn't have that bug anymore.


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