On Tue, 2013-06-18 at 09:43 +0200, Paul Menzel wrote:
> Dear NetworkManager folks,
> using Debian Sid/unstable with nm-applet [1], today I noticed
> the following GLib warning printed to the terminal.
>         $ nm-applet
>         ** Message: applet now removed from the notification area
>         ** Message: applet now embedded in the notification area
>         (nm-applet:3288): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: Received property Created with 
> type x does not match expected type t in the expected interface
>         (nm-applet:3288): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: Received property Modified 
> with type x does not match expected type t in the expected interface
> I cannot remember having seen this before. The autoconnection after
> activating the WLAN device in the netbook did not work either (no idea
> why) and I had to manually select the network I want to connect to. The
> above message was printed again but the connection was established
> without any problems anyway.
> Do you have any idea, where that might come from.

It's coming from GIO (a glib component).  Nothing in NetworkManager has
those properties, so it's got to be coming from something else.  Those
errors show up in other GNOME-based apps too (epiphany for example) so
I'm thinking it's a general GNOME thing, not specific to nm-applet.


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