On Fri, 2013-07-26 at 16:10 -0500, KodaK wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 2:13 PM, Dan Williams <d...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > Can you run vpnc with "Debug 99" and reply with the sequence that it
> > uses to present this question?  I'm interested in the specific prompt
> > vpnc prints out when this happens, so that I can account for it in these
> > branches.  Is the message "Answer for VPN xxx@xxx:"?
> Yes, but two issues:  I already changed my password (I had to) so I
> wouldn't get this message for another couple of weeks.  I also just
> reinstalled with Fedora 19.  I got tired of working around RHEL6
> limitations on the desktop (chrome being unsupported was the final nail.)
> If this happens again with Fedora then I'll try to capture some debug
> info for you.

I'm pretty sure it will, so when it does, let me know!


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