Dan Williams <d...@redhat.com> writes:
> On Mon, 2014-12-22 at 21:46 +0100, Aleksander Morgado wrote:
>> > So you need the full context type choice for QMI as well.  The odd
>> > two-step dual-stack connection does not change this.  The PDP type is
>> > always selected by the first connection.
>> Is that true even if we use different separate WDS clients? If either
>> IPv4v6 and IPv4+IPv6 are selected for a QMI modem, MM's logic will
>> create separate WDS clients, each of them with a different "Set IP
>> Family Preference" set before calling "Start Network". Are we
>> achieving something correct with this logic? Or not? And if not, how
>> are we supposed to request IPv4v6 using only QMI? (i.e. not with the
>> default profile being configured via AT commands).
> I verified a while back that this is what Verizon's connection manager
> did on Windows with the UML290 to achieve a working dual-stack
> connection.  And yes, all 3 PDP contexts in the modem were "IPV4V6".
> AFAIK there is no way to get a dual-stack connection without starting
> two WDS clients and setting the IP Family Preference.

Yes.  But note that the shared "IPV4V6" bearer is created by the *first*
WDS client issuing "start network".  The second WDS client is simply a
QMI management oddity.  It does not create or modify the bearer in any
way.  How could it?

Depending on your profile config, the results of two successive WDS
start network commands will be:

profile PDP type = IPV4V6
 ipfamily=4; WDS client A start network => success, IPV4V6 bearer created
 ipfamily=6; WDS client B start network => success

profile PDP type = IPV4
 ipfamily=4; WDS client A start network => success, IPV4 bearer created
 ipfamily=6; WDS client B start network => failure

profile PDP type = IPV6
 ipfamily=4; WDS client A start network => failure
 ipfamily=6; WDS client B start network => success, IPV6 bearer created

The only way you can select the bearer PDP type is by modifying the
profile (either default or referenced from the profile TLV).  If you
don't control the profile, then the result is arbitrarily defined by the
existing default.

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