On Dec 10 2015, Dan Williams <d...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 2015-12-10 at 08:06 -0800, Nikolaus Rath wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is there a way to prevent NetworkManager from automatically
>> connecting
>> to specific *wired* networks?
>> I think the network could be identified by the presence (or absence)
>> of
>> specific MACs, but I'd be open to other suggestions as well.
> That's the best option for now, but of course there are security issues
> with that since any MAC address can be spoofed.  There are vague plans
> to attempt to automatically identify wired networks by listening to the
> wire for a few seconds and detecting 802.1x EAP-Request Identity packet
> s or ARPing a specific IP address and matching the returned MAC.  This
> feature would  have to be opt-in because obviously it would delay
> network connections.
> If that's something you'd be willing to work on, that would be great...
> what do you say? :)

I say that this would be great, but (as you probably feared) I was just
wondering if the functionality exists, not volunteering to implement it


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