On Mon, 04 Jan 2016 10:50:23 -0600
Dan Williams <d...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 2015-12-24 at 17:38 -0600, Robby Workman wrote:
> > On Thu, 11 Sep 2014 16:47:45 -0500
> > Dan Williams <d...@redhat.com> wrote:
> >   
> > > On Wed, 2014-09-10 at 22:53 -0500, Robby Workman wrote:  
> > > > Summary: when resuming from sleep, NM attempts to connect to an
> > > > AP
> > > > that no longer exists.    
> > > 
> > > Hmm, odd.  You could turn on debugging and enable the "wifi_scan"
> > > log
> > > domain to see what's going on at resume time.  NM should be
> > > throwing
> > > away the scan list on resume and requesting a new scan from
> > > wpa_supplicant, and all that should be reflected in the debug logs
> > > when the wifi_scan domain is enabled.  
> > 
> > 
> > I filed this away to debug later, and "later" never arrived :/
> > 
> > However, a user on LQ reported some dbus messages getting rejected
> > on suspend:
> > 
> > http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/current-xfce4-po
> > wer-manager-error-messages-on-suspend-resume-4175562257/#post5468365
> > 
> > I'm seeing those here too:
> > 
> > Dec 22 17:13:54 liberty dbus[1162]: [system] Rejected send message,
> > 4 matched \
> >   rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.66" (uid=1000 pid=5803 \
> >   comm="xfce4-power-manager ")
> > interface="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" \
> >   member="Sleep" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" \
> >   destination="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" \
> >   (uid=0 pid=1198 comm="/usr/sbin/NetworkManager ")
> > Dec 22 17:16:41 liberty dbus[1162]: [system] Rejected send message,
> > 4 matched \
> >   rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.66" (uid=1000 pid=5803 \
> >   comm="xfce4-power-manager ")
> > interface="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" \
> >   member="Sleep" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" \
> >   destination="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" \
> >   (uid=0 pid=1198 comm="/usr/sbin/NetworkManager ")
> > 
> > I notice that /etc/dbus
> > -1/system.d/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.conf says
> > that they are root-only functions:
> > 
> >   <!-- Root-only functions -->
> >   <deny send_interface="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"  
> > send_member="SetLogging"/>  
> >   <deny send_interface="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"  
> > send_member="Sleep"/>  
> > 
> > and if I change it to allow one of my groups, then I no longer get
> > those 
> > logged Rejected messages.
> > 
> > So... three questions here:
> > 
> > 1) is this possibly related to my original problem report? I'm not
> > able to
> > test it just yet and won't be until I go back to work after the
> > holidays.  
> If NM doesn't get the Sleep() method call when suspending, then yes it
> won't clear the scan list and when the device is moved it may still
> see old APs for a bit.

Okay, that makes sense.

> > 2) is xfce4-power-manager supposed to be calling that Sleep here?
> > There is
> > a configure option to --(en|dis)able-network-manager that is
> > currently
> > enabled in our build, but if it should be disabled, we can fix
> > that.  
> Whatever tells the kernel to suspend the system should be calling
> Sleep() on NM.  In my experience that's always been a root process
> (like upower or systemd or pm-utils), and since Sleep() has the
> capability to drastically change you networking, it was restricted to
> root-only.  I'm a bit surprised that xfce4-power-manager is trying to
> call Sleep() as the normal user, not root, since suspending the
> machine takes root privileges anyway.

Yeah, I'm not sure why that was implemented at all, really, but it
looked like something that should be enabled :/

> > 3) what is the expectation for that Sleep? What is supposed to call
> > it (or 
> > is *anything* supposed to be calling it from outside NM)?  
> Whatever tells the kernel to suspend (which requires root) should also
> be telling NM to Sleep() (and wake).

Well, then this bug is solved, and it's definitely a downstream 
problem that *I* caused :/ Dammit.

Here's a long analysis from my perspective in case others somehow
can find it useful:


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