
here the short debug output

Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <info> Simple connect started...
Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> PIN: unspecified
Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Operator ID: unspecified
Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Allowed roaming: yes
Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> APN: web.vodafone.de
Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug>    IP family: ipv4
Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Allowed authentication: unspecified
Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> User: unspecified
Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Password: unspecified
Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Number: *99#
Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <info> Simple connect state (4/8): Wait to get fully enabled Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <info> Simple connect state (5/8): Register Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Already registered in network '26202', automatic registration not launched... Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <info> Simple connect state (6/8): Bearer Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Creating new bearer... Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Creating QMI bearer in QMI modem Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> New bearer created at DBus path '/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Bearer/0' Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <info> Simple connect state (7/8): Connect Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Connecting bearer '/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Bearer/0' Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <info> Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: state changed (registered -> connecting) Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient NetworkManager[2262]: <debug> [1455711699.467904] [/usr/bbsrc/bbbuild/dev-412/std/portage/net-misc/networkmanager-1.0.10-r1/work/NetworkManager-1.0.10/src/devices/nm-device.c:7991] nm_device_remove_pending_action(): [0x568b42d0] (eth1): remove_pending_action (0): 'autoactivate' Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Launching connection with QMI port (usb/cdc-wdm0) and data port (net/wwan0) Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Using default (PAP) authentication method Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Running IPv4 connection setup Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Allocating IPv4-specific WDS client Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Allocating new client ID... Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 16 <<<<<< data = 01:0F:00:00:00:00:00:08:22:00:04:00:01:01:00:01 Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 15 <<<<<< flags = 0x00 <<<<<< service = "ctl" <<<<<< client = 0 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "none" <<<<<< transaction = 8 <<<<<< tlv_length = 4 <<<<<< message = "Allocate CID" (0x0022) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Service" (0x01) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 01 <<<<<< translated = wds Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient NetworkManager[2262]: <info> (cdc-wdm0): modem state changed, 'registered' --> 'connecting' (reason: user-requested) Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient NetworkManager[2262]: <debug> [1455711699.469193] [/usr/bbsrc/bbbuild/dev-412/std/portage/net-misc/networkmanager-1.0.10-r1/work/NetworkManager-1.0.10/src/devices/nm-device.c:2550] recheck_available(): [0x568fa270] (cdc-wdm0): device is available, will transition to unknown Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 24 >>>>>> data = 01:17:00:80:00:00:01:08:22:00:0C:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:01:02:00:01:01 Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> QMUX: >>>>>> length = 23 >>>>>> flags = 0x80 >>>>>> service = "ctl" >>>>>> client = 0 >>>>>> QMI: >>>>>> flags = "response" >>>>>> transaction = 8 >>>>>> tlv_length = 12 >>>>>> message = "Allocate CID" (0x0022) >>>>>> TLV: >>>>>> type = "Result" (0x02) >>>>>> length = 4 >>>>>> value = 00:00:00:00 >>>>>> translated = SUCCESS >>>>>> TLV: >>>>>> type = "Allocation Info" (0x01) >>>>>> length = 2 >>>>>> value = 01:01 >>>>>> translated = [ service = 'wds' cid = '1' ] Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Registered 'wds' (version 1.23) client with ID '1' Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Setting default IP family to: IPv4 Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 17 <<<<<< data = 01:10:00:00:01:01:00:01:00:4D:00:04:00:01:01:00:04 Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 16 <<<<<< flags = 0x00 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 1 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "none" <<<<<< transaction = 1 <<<<<< tlv_length = 4 <<<<<< message = "Set IP Family" (0x004D) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Preference" (0x01) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 04 <<<<<< translated = ipv4 Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 20 >>>>>> data = 01:13:00:80:01:01:02:01:00:4D:00:07:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00 Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> QMUX: >>>>>> length = 19 >>>>>> flags = 0x80 >>>>>> service = "wds" >>>>>> client = 1 >>>>>> QMI: >>>>>> flags = "response" >>>>>> transaction = 1 >>>>>> tlv_length = 7 >>>>>> message = "Set IP Family" (0x004D) >>>>>> TLV: >>>>>> type = "Result" (0x02) >>>>>> length = 4 >>>>>> value = 00:00:00:00 >>>>>> translated = SUCCESS Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Starting IPv4 connection... Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 35 <<<<<< data = 01:22:00:00:01:01:00:02:00:20:00:16:00:16:01:00:01:14:0F:00:77:65:62:2E:76:6F:64:61:66:6F:6E:65:2E:64:65 Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 34 <<<<<< flags = 0x00 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 1 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "none" <<<<<< transaction = 2 <<<<<< tlv_length = 22 <<<<<< message = "Start Network" (0x0020) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Authentication Preference" (0x16) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 01 <<<<<< translated = pap <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "APN" (0x14) <<<<<< length = 15 <<<<<< value = 77:65:62:2E:76:6F:64:61:66:6F:6E:65:2E:64:65 <<<<<< translated = web.vodafone.de Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> loading signal quality... Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 13 <<<<<< data = 01:0C:00:00:03:01:00:09:00:20:00:00:00 Feb 17 13:21:39 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 12 <<<<<< flags = 0x00 <<<<<< service = "nas" <<<<<< client = 1 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "none" <<<<<< transaction = 9 <<<<<< tlv_length = 0 <<<<<< message = "Get Signal Strength" (0x0020) Feb 17 13:21:40 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 32 >>>>>> data = 01:1F:00:80:03:01:02:09:00:20:00:13:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:01:02:00:9F:05:10:04:00:01:00:83:02 Feb 17 13:21:40 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> QMUX: >>>>>> length = 31 >>>>>> flags = 0x80 >>>>>> service = "nas" >>>>>> client = 1 >>>>>> QMI: >>>>>> flags = "response" >>>>>> transaction = 9 >>>>>> tlv_length = 19 >>>>>> message = "Get Signal Strength" (0x0020) >>>>>> TLV: >>>>>> type = "Result" (0x02) >>>>>> length = 4 >>>>>> value = 00:00:00:00 >>>>>> translated = SUCCESS >>>>>> TLV: >>>>>> type = "Signal Strength" (0x01) >>>>>> length = 2 >>>>>> value = 9F:05 >>>>>> translated = [ strength = '-97' radio_interface = 'umts' ] >>>>>> TLV: >>>>>> type = "Strength List" (0x10) >>>>>> length = 4 >>>>>> value = 01:00:83:02 >>>>>> translated = { [0] = '[ strength = '-125' radio_interface = 'cdma-1xevdo' ] '} Feb 17 13:21:40 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Signal strength (umts): -97 dBm Feb 17 13:21:40 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Signal strength (cdma-1xevdo): -125 dBm Feb 17 13:21:40 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Signal strength: -97 dBm --> 26% Feb 17 13:21:40 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: signal quality updated (26) Feb 17 13:21:41 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> (ttyUSB2): <-- '<CR><LF>^MODE:5,9<CR><LF>' Feb 17 13:21:41 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> (ttyUSB0): <-- '<CR><LF>^MODE:5,9<CR><LF>' Feb 17 13:21:41 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 38 >>>>>> data = 01:25:00:80:03:01:04:00:00:24:00:19:00:2A:01:00:07:28:02:00:1B:00:11:04:00:03:03:04:05:01:06:00:01:01:01:02:01:05 Feb 17 13:21:41 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> QMUX: >>>>>> length = 37 >>>>>> flags = 0x80 >>>>>> service = "nas" >>>>>> client = 1 >>>>>> QMI: >>>>>> flags = "indication" >>>>>> transaction = 0 >>>>>> tlv_length = 25 >>>>>> message = "Serving System" (0x0024) >>>>>> TLV: >>>>>> type = 0x2a >>>>>> length = 1 >>>>>> value = 07 >>>>>> TLV: >>>>>> type = "UMTS Primary Scrambling Code" (0x28) >>>>>> length = 2 >>>>>> value = 1B:00 >>>>>> translated = 27 >>>>>> TLV: >>>>>> type = "Data Service Capability" (0x11) >>>>>> length = 4 >>>>>> value = 03:03:04:05 >>>>>> translated = { [0] = 'hsdpa ' [1] = 'hsupa ' [2] = 'wcdma '} >>>>>> TLV: >>>>>> type = "Serving System" (0x01) >>>>>> length = 6 >>>>>> value = 01:01:01:02:01:05 >>>>>> translated = [ registration_state = 'registered' cs_attach_state = 'attached' ps_attach_state = 'attached' selected_network = '3g Feb 17 13:21:41 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Processing 3GPP info... Feb 17 13:21:42 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> (ttyUSB2): <-- '<CR><LF>^NDISSTAT: 1,,,"IPV4"<CR><LF>' Feb 17 13:21:42 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> (ttyUSB0): <-- '<CR><LF>^NDISSTAT: 1,,,"IPV4"<CR><LF>' Feb 17 13:21:42 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 27 >>>>>> data = 01:1A:00:80:01:01:02:02:00:20:00:0E:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:01:04:00:30:26:D7:43 Feb 17 13:21:42 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> QMUX: >>>>>> length = 26 >>>>>> flags = 0x80 >>>>>> service = "wds" >>>>>> client = 1 >>>>>> QMI: >>>>>> flags = "response" >>>>>> transaction = 2 >>>>>> tlv_length = 14 >>>>>> message = "Start Network" (0x0020) >>>>>> TLV: >>>>>> type = "Result" (0x02) >>>>>> length = 4 >>>>>> value = 00:00:00:00 >>>>>> translated = SUCCESS >>>>>> TLV: >>>>>> type = "Packet Data Handle" (0x01) >>>>>> length = 4 >>>>>> value = 30:26:D7:43 >>>>>> translated = 1138173488 Feb 17 13:21:42 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Getting IPv4 configuration... Feb 17 13:21:42 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 20 <<<<<< data = 01:13:00:00:01:01:00:03:00:2D:00:07:00:10:04:00:30:E3:00:00 Feb 17 13:21:42 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 19 <<<<<< flags = 0x00 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 1 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "none" <<<<<< transaction = 3 <<<<<< tlv_length = 7 <<<<<< message = "Get Current Settings" (0x002D) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Requested Settings" (0x10) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 30:E3:00:00 <<<<<< translated = dns-address, granted-qos, ip-address, gateway-info, mtu, domain-name-list, ip-family Feb 17 13:21:42 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 27 >>>>>> data = 01:1A:00:80:01:FF:04:00:00:22:00:0E:00:01:02:00:02:00:12:01:00:04:13:02:00:80:88 Feb 17 13:21:42 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> QMUX: >>>>>> length = 26 >>>>>> flags = 0x80 >>>>>> service = "wds" >>>>>> client = 255 >>>>>> QMI: >>>>>> flags = "indication" >>>>>> transaction = 0 >>>>>> tlv_length = 14 >>>>>> message = "Packet Service Status" (0x0022) >>>>>> TLV: >>>>>> type = "Connection Status" (0x01) >>>>>> length = 2 >>>>>> value = 02:00 >>>>>> translated = [ status = 'connected' reconfiguration_required = 'no' ] >>>>>> TLV: >>>>>> type = "IP Family" (0x12) >>>>>> length = 1 >>>>>> value = 04 >>>>>> translated = ipv4 >>>>>> TLV: >>>>>> type = 0x13 >>>>>> length = 2 >>>>>> value = 80:88 Feb 17 13:21:42 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 20 >>>>>> data = 01:13:00:80:01:01:02:03:00:2D:00:07:00:02:04:00:01:00:0F:00 Feb 17 13:21:42 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> QMUX: >>>>>> length = 19 >>>>>> flags = 0x80 >>>>>> service = "wds" >>>>>> client = 1 >>>>>> QMI: >>>>>> flags = "response" >>>>>> transaction = 3 >>>>>> tlv_length = 7 >>>>>> message = "Get Current Settings" (0x002D) >>>>>> TLV: >>>>>> type = "Result" (0x02) >>>>>> length = 4 >>>>>> value = 01:00:0F:00 >>>>>> translated = FAILURE: OutOfCall Feb 17 13:21:42 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <info> error: couldn't get current settings: QMI protocol error (15): 'OutOfCall' Feb 17 13:21:42 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> (wwan0): port now connected Feb 17 13:21:42 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <debug> Connected bearer '/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Bearer/0' Feb 17 13:21:42 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <info> Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: state changed (connecting -> connected) Feb 17 13:21:42 ThinClient ModemManager[2164]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done


Am 13.02.2016 um 11:23 schrieb Harald Jung:

changing the ipv6 setting with nmcli didn't help :/

NetworkManager 1.0.10
ModemManager 1.4.12

Am 12.02.2016 um 17:23 schrieb Dan Williams:
On Fri, 2016-02-12 at 13:10 +0100, Harald Jung wrote:

i was able to establish a connection via qmicli, but still not with
NetworkManager/ModemManager, maybe this information can help to
the problem:
Good info actually; perhaps it's the IPv6 requests.  If you set IPv6
method to "ignore" in NetworkManager does that make things work?

Or with nmcli, something like:

nmcli con mod <name> ipv6.method ignore

That should cause NM to stop requesting an IPV4V6 context.  But also,
what version of NetworkManager do you have?  Recent versions of NM have
fallback logic to try only IPV4 if V4V6 fails.


11 $
qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wds-start-network=web.vodafone.de
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Network started
          Packet data handle: '1138180728'
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Client ID not released:
          Service: 'wds'
              CID: '9'

11 $
/usr/sbin/dhcpcd -B -K -L -A -G -c /usr/libexec/nm-dhcp-helper -4
wwan0: soliciting a DHCP lease
wwan0: offered from
wwan0: leased for 7200 seconds
wwan0: adding route to

ThinClient,initial:root:~ $ ifconfig wwan0
wwan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 1A:84:89:C5:C6:76
            inet addr:  Bcast:
            UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
            RX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
            TX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
            collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
            RX bytes:954 (954.0 B)  TX bytes:1223 (1.1 KiB

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