
with the 1.2 release approaching, we need to decide on which bugs set for 1.2 
milestone need to block the release. No new features should remain in the list,
only things that absolutely need to be fixed before the release such as

I propose that these should be retargetted for nm-1.4: 

683206: maximize device availability (IFF_UP/IFF_LOWER_UP) for IPv6 link-local 
communication during runtime and after exit
699843: leave interface configuration when removing from NM management
708829: dnssec: support per-connection DNSSEC options for local zones
699810: dns: support for unbound with split DNS and DNSSEC
746440: improve behavior for assumed and unmanaged devices, do better at 
seamless take over, and don't touch devices
760907: fix handling of invalid connections in libnm/libnm-glib

And I think these should remain blocking 1.2:

697370: live reconfiguration of NMDevices
736406: NetworkManager.service should use KillMode=mixed
740574: support appindicator based systrays (found in Unity, KDE, Enlightenment 
and more)
740739: cannot activate shared connection on physically disconnected ethernet
748302: [review] lr/cli-add-master: Make it possible to specify master 
connection/device for any connection profile
760998: resync with systemd upstream code before 1.2
761389: don't mess with interface handled by clatd
762322: reapply does not restore IP configuration
762331: revert behavioral change for NM_UNMANAGED_USER_CONFIG being 
overwritable by USER_EXPLICIT
762333: ensure autoconnection does not make a device !NM_UNMANAGED_USER_EXPLICT
341323: [ENH] Verify subject of remote certificate [See dependency tree for bug 

This is of course not a definitive selection; I'm just asking for your input at 
this point.

Thank you,
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