On Fri, 2020-03-13 at 09:05 +0100, Jelle de Jong via networkmanager-
list wrote:
> Thank you Thomas for taking the time to reply,
> I understand what you write and that by using the nmcli I can create 
> manual profiles as administrator that behave the way I want.
> How co I find support for network-manager-gnome nm-applet I need it
> to 
> change it default behavior and store wifi profiles created as users
> with 
> wifi-sec.psk-flags 0 and connection.permissions empty.
> Do you know the dbus or policy options or user profile or general
> config 
> settings to make the client behave this way?
> I not looking for a way where I can do this manually when making
> each 
> new WiFi connections, I need the default behavior set.


As said before: the client that creates/modifies the profile,
determines its content.

so, your question really revolves around which tool you are using to
create/modify the profile, and whether that allows you to choose
certain defaults. There is no answer because it depends.

You talk about nm-applet. The only way how nm-applet can create a
profile, is when you click on a Wi-fi SSID. Then it's similar to `nmcli
device wifi connect ssid "$SSID"`. In that case, nm-applet does not
allow you to pre-determine the settings of the new profile (except the
comment about connection.permission below).

Most clients already default to wifi-sec.psk-flags=0 and

Except, if your user has no PolicyKit permissions to create system-wide 
profiles, then most clients will default to
"connection.permission=user:$USER". Of course, if they wouldn'd do
that, you may not be able to configure the profile in the first

Check the org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.own and
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.system permissions with
`nmcli general permissions`. If you give your user permissions
"modify.system", then certain clients will prefer to set


> On 2020-03-13 07:47, Thomas Haller wrote:
> > On Thu, 2020-03-12 at 23:44 +0100, Jelle de Jong via
> > networkmanager-
> > list wrote:
> > > Hi everybody,
> > > 
> > > I want to find a way to keep WiFi networks connected before user
> > > logins
> > > or logoff.
> > 
> > That implies that you do not restrict the profile to a certain
> > user.
> > Meaning: "connection.permissions" is left unset/empty.
> > 
> > > The problem seems to be that network-manager tries to auto
> > > connect
> > > but
> > > does not have access to the encrypted key. I am going through the
> > > docs
> > > and there is an psk-flags=0 that should tell to not use encrypted
> > > storage.
> > 
> > The docs that you refer to is possbly `man nm-settings`.
> > 
> > 
> > > How do I set psk-flags=0 as default for gnome-network-manager, i
> > > cant
> > > seem to find the right dbus or polkit policy.
> > 
> > As said, there is no "default".
> > 
> > This is a setting of each profile, there is no default. Also, the
> > setting is determined by the client tool that creates/modifes the
> > profile. NetworkManager doesn't really apply a default.
> > 
> > 
> > > tried the bellow in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf but
> > > did
> > > not
> > > work.
> > 
> > Don't configure per-profile settings in NetworkManager.conf. There
> > is
> > `man NetworkManager.conf` for general NetworkManager configuration
> > and
> > `man nm-settings` for per-profile settings.
> > 
> > You can set profile values in several ways:
> > 
> >    nmcli connection show "$PROFILE"
> >    nmcli connection modify "$PROFILE" wifi-sec.psk-flags 0
> > 
> > you can also set this via most of the GUIs, like nm-connection-
> > editor
> > or plasma-nm.
> > 
> > You can also edit the profile on disk, but that would then be in
> > /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections (or similar). See the
> > actually
> > used file via `nmcli -f all connection`. If you edit the file, you
> > need
> > to first do `nmcli connection reload` or `nmcli connection load
> > "$FILENAME"`.
> > 
> > 
> > > [802-11-wireless-security]
> > > psk-flags=0
> > > 
> > > [wifi-security]
> > > psk-flags=0
> Kind regards,
> Jelle de Jong
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