On Mon, 2020-03-23 at 08:22 +0800, Jeremy Ardley wrote:


> I have configured the interface using the nmtui tool and restarted
> network manager.
> It appears the upper case output below is what I have and the lower
> case is what I have asked for.
> How do I get what I have configured to apply to the interface?

by (re)activating the profile or reapplying the changes.

Actiavting a profile in nmcli, is done via one of

  nmcli connection up "$PROFILE"
  nmcli connection up "$PROFILE" ifname "$IFNAME"
  nmcli device connect "$IFNAME"

Reapplying the changes is done via

  nmcli device reapply "$IFNAME"

Or course, with other NetworkManager client tools (nmtui) that is
different, but the underlying functionaliy is the same. In case of
nmtui, that doesn't allow you to do reapply. Instead, reactivate the

> systemctl restart NetworkManager

Restarting the daemon doesn't apply changes to the networking. It is
usally wrong trying to do this. When you restart the daemon,
NetworkManager tries *NOT* to do any changes to the network.


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