> On Sep 22, 2020, at 11:42 PM, Thomas Haller <thal...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, 2020-09-22 at 17:49 -0600, Philip Prindeville wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’m working on CentOS 8 Stream on a Raspberry Pi4 (64-bit mode), but
>> I don’t think that my issues are platform specific.
> right. We try that NetworkManager works the same everywhere. Usually
> what matters most is tha major (upstream) version that you are using.

Seeing a lot of -110 errors with the built-in hardware, but if I use an 
external USB fob like the Edimax then that seems to work okay.

>> I’d like to be able to decompose configuration into separate steps,
>> and fine tune them individually.
>> I’ve got “eth1” (an external USB 3.0 Ethernet dongle, but I could be
>> using “eth0” just as easily).
>> I’ve got “wlan0”, the built-in Wifi hardware.
>> I’d like to join them into a bridge called “br0”.
>> All of that is easy enough to do so far:
>> nmcli conn add con-name “Bridge 0” \
>>    type bridge ifname “br0" \
>>    connection.autoconnect true \
>>    ipv4.method “manual” \
>>    ipv4.address “$LOCALIP/$LOCALPREFIX” \
>>    +ipv4.routes “”
>> nmcli conn add con-name “Bridge slave 0” \
>>    master “Bridge 0” \
>>    type ethernet ifname eth1
>> nmcli conn add con-name “Bridge slave 1” \
>>    master “Bridge 0” \
>>    type wifi ifname wlan0 \
>>    mode ap ssid “$SSID” \
>>    802-11-wireless.band “bg” \
>>    802-11-wireless-security.key-mgmt “wpa-psk” \
>>    802-11-wireless-security.psk “$PASSPHRASE”
>> So far, seems simple enough.
>> I’ve also got a DHCP server provisioned and running, but I could just
>> as easily be running one elsewhere, since the bridging would flood
>> broadcasts from wlan0 to eth1 and vice versa.  Or I could have set up
>> a dhcp-relay and pointed that to a server on a different subnet.  The
>> point being that there’s more than one way to skin that cat.
>> The DHCP server also points at the correct default gateway, and that
>> default gateway (being a border router) also provides NATting for me,
>> so that’s working fine also.
>> But when I try to authenticate it fails.
>> If I disable wpa_supplicant and run it manually as:
>> wpa_supplicant -b br0 -i wlan0 -c …
>> then it seems to authenticate.  Looking through the NM sources, I
>> don’t see anywhere that the parameter “BridgeIfname” gets squirted
>> into wpa_supplicant.
>> What am I missing?
>> Thanks,
> Hi,
> is this same issue as 
> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager/-/issues/83 ?
> best,
> Thomas

Oh, yes!  Definitely.  I looked yesterday in gitlab but missed this.

Is this going in as soon as a PR gets submitted?

If there’s a C8S scratch build I can test it…



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