On Thursday 07 Nov 2002 5:36 pm, H. Carter Harris wrote:

<snipped all the good stuff>

> I would like to tell you that I'm
> smart and I figured those lines out all by myself but I didn't; I copied
> them from one of the tutorials I have been reading (smile).  Under the

If you don't mind my asking, do you have a link for that tutorial?  I 
recently registered a domain for the first time and darned if I can get 
things working.  Can't access my apache server via my domain.  Have been 
dicking around with it for more than a week now.  Very frustrating.

<snipped more good stuff>

> Now if I was a gambling man (and I may now be since my state passed a
> lottery yesterday), I would guess that the OS doesn't want to give Apache
> access to the root folder.  Have I done this correctly?  And what should
> I do to get Apache to server up this page?

Sorry I can't help here.  I learned a lot from your post!

> The second problem I'm having is with editors.  When I wanted to edit the
> httpd.conf file I had to execute shell, su, copy the file to my home
> directory, open Kate, edit the file and save it, go back to shell, and
> copy the file back to the correct place.  I have read the warnings about
> not logging on as root and I am trying to abide by those warnings but I
> get the feeling that I'm not doing something right.  Any suggestions?

I just su to root and use vim mostly or sometimes kedit when I have to edit 
a file as root.

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